
Translation studies on this dilemma have become even more relevant at a time when the term “creativity” has been introduced to express a better understanding of what was once perceived as “betrayal”. The resurgence in recent years of the debate on faithfulness versus the creativity alternative, shows that we have not been dissuaded from breaking with the absolute vow of faithfulness which has kept translation in a dilemmatic status. From the point of view of hermeneutic expertise, this article attempts to argue that creativity is not a simple alternative, but a necessity which is essential when translating. To support this point, the analysis of the hermeneutic reflexivity of creativity in translation is based on the interpretative character of translating which brings into play the phenomenon of understanding. Starting from highlighting the fertility of the act, we demonstrate that it amply justifies the fact that a translation is equivalent. It is basically a question of demonstrating that translation is the construction of an equivalence of meaning and value. The article concludes that, in a manner consistent with the fact that creativity is not an alternative, the vow of faithfulness participates in the dialectic of the emergence of meaning and supports the idea that translation is a creative project.

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