
The barcode system currently used in the market has a weakness in that identification is only made when the barcode is visible. Unlike the barcode system, the RFID system uses radio frequency technology, allowing more accurate and faster identification of objects than the barcode system. RFID is a method to identify object data using radio frequency technology by attaching a tag to identification objects to be monitored. Active research has been conducted recently, and a lot of attempts have been made to introduce RFID technology in logistics and manufacturing sectors. This paper presents a method to check the accurate number of articles loaded in the freight car using RFID technology. The present research concerns the method in which the RFID reader and middleware is used to accurately and quickly count the number of RFID-tagged articles in real-time. When the tagged articles arrive at the reader area, the information read by the reader is delivered to the middleware. Then, the middleware identifies the number of tags, displaying the results to the user.

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