
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a study for an electron–positron machine aiming at accelerating and colliding particles at the next energy frontier. The CLIC concept is based on the novel two-beam acceleration scheme, where a high-current low-energy drive beam generates RF in series of power extraction and transfer structures accelerating the low-current main beam. To compensate for the transient beam-loading and meet the energy spread specification requirements for the main linac, the RF pulse shape must be carefully optimized. This was recently modelled by varying the drive beam phase switch times in the sub-harmonic buncher so that, when combined, the drive beam modulation translates into the required voltage modulation of the accelerating pulse. In this paper, the control over the RF pulse shape with the phase switches, that is crucial for the success of the developed compensation model, is studied. The results on the experimental verification of this control method are presented and a good agreement with the numerical predictions is demonstrated. Implications for the CLIC beam-loading compensation model are also discussed.

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