
Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing branches of the economy in the world. In Poland, such phenomenon is particularly observed in cities and environmentally attractive areas. Despite its richness and diversity, historical and cultural potential of the Polish rural areas is relatively weakly considered in the development of tourism. Meanwhile, tourism offers a chance for the development of rural areas and to solve their contemporary problems. Development of the tourist function is however conditioned by adjustment of rural areas to the purposes of tourism in the scope of revitalization processes. The Lubelskie Voivodeship is characterized by considerable prevalence of rural areas and occurrence of all typical associated issues, intensified by the region’s peripheral character. Such location, however, can prove to be an asset in tourism development. Cultural values combined with weakly transformed natural environment provide for considerable potential of the area. Conducting revitalization of rural areas towards the development of tourism largely depends on the possibilities of obtaining EU financial support. Since Poland’s accession to the EU, i.e. 2004, beneficiaries from rural areas of the Lubelskie Voivodeship have implemented projects of more than 1.5 billion PLN. In the new financial perspective for the years 2014-2020, rural communes of the Lubelskie Voivodship have submitted 48 applications for co-financing revitalization measures, corresponding to 25% of communes. Thus, revitalization measures in rural areas are still not broadly implemented. This fact is confirmed by the survey performed by the Authors. The study also showed that measures for tourism development are not of priority importance, but rather supplementary to revitalization projects. The planned undertakings usually have the nature of single investment projects, particularly related to tourist and recreation infrastructure. The contribution of original, interesting projects aimed at creating tourist offer based on local tradition and culture is marginal. A negative phenomenon is also lack of strategic and complex measures aimed at tourism development. These would enhance stipulating investment in the tourist base and products, along with educational and support measures for the local community (i.e. residents’ inclusion in tourist entrepreneurship). These findings suggest that next to financial support, the main need of the rural environment in terms of activating revitalization processes in terms of tourism development is extensive education and conceptual support.


  • Kompleksowe działania rewitalizacyjne na obszarach wiejskich województwa lubelskiego w nowej perspektywie finansowej (2014–2020) realizowane są w oparciu o lokalne lub gminne plany rewitalizacji

  • These findings suggest that next to financial support, the main need of the rural environment in terms of activating revitalization processes in terms of tourism development is extensive education and conceptual support

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Rozwój turystyki i kultury

Restrukturyzacja i modernizacja sektora żywnościowego oraz rozwój obszarów wiejskich 2004–2006. Odnowa wsi oraz zachowanie dziedzictwa kulturowego adaptacja, modernizacja budynków, pomieszczeń, budowa centrów kulturalno-. 44 452 193 31 583 728 -rekreacyjnych, kształtowanie, budowa, zagospodarowanie, rewitalizacja, odnowa wsi (zwłaszcza części centralnej). Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Lubelskiego na lata 2007–2013 budowa, adaptacja, modernizacja i wyposażanie obiektów hotelowych

Dotacje inwestycyjne w dziedzinie turystyki
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