
The unbalanced distribution of carbon flux in microbial cell factories can lead to inefficient production and poor cell growth. Uncoupling cell growth and chemical synthesis can therefore improve microbial cell factory efficiency. Such uncoupling, which requires precise manipulation of carbon fluxes, can be achieved by up-regulating or down-regulating the expression of enzymes of various pathways. In this study, a dynamic turn-off switch (dTFS) and a dynamic turn-on switch (dTNS) were constructed using growth phase-dependent promoters and degrons. By combining the dTFS and dTNS, a bifunctional molecular switch that could orthogonally regulate two target proteins was introduced. This bifunctional molecular switch was used to uncouple cell growth from shikimic acid and D-glucaric acid synthesis, resulting in the production of 14.33 g/L shikimic acid and the highest reported productivity of D-glucaric acid (0.0325 g/L/h) in Escherichia coli MG1655. This proved that the bifunctional molecular switch could rewire carbon fluxes by controlling target protein abundance.

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