
Energy has been the first and foremost priority of human beings since the industrial era and afterwards. We have always focused on using minimum energy and saving it as much as we can considering the impacts of our technological advancements on our environment. This has played a crucial role in space exploration as well which, with time, has a lot of benefits. The usage of energy in our day-to-day lives has been increasing exponentially, adversely affecting our biosphere, which is estimated to increase more in the coming time. The need of the time is to minimize this energy input and switch ourselves to more natural and ever-lasting energy generation methods. Outer space exhibits everything that humanity depends upon. So, it is beneficial to utilize something directly from the space itself and not the non-renewable fuels. By providing the necessary energy, space-based solar power technology will aid in the pursuit of sustainable objectives and environmental planning. As a result, research on space-based solar power has gained prominence in the aerospace industry. Solar energy is often captured by solar collectors or the light structures of solar arrays in SBSP, and electronics devices then transform it into another kind of energy, such as microwave or laser, for transmission to Earth. Compared to other energy sources, the microwave is safer for living things. A lot of people who are interested in space and creating new ideas have been drawn to the concept of producing solar electricity from space.

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