
Technology dictates everything in the modern world but nothing is more technical than the human mind. It always gears up to explore new dimensions of the universe. Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) is the brainchild of a critical human mind that never relies on knowledge at hand and strives for more. Aerospace potential and capabilities have become crucial to modern forces in an age of global reach and South Asia is not an exception in any sense. It is argued that RMA in South Asia is likely to be employed more in aerospace to outmanoeuvre each other (India and Pakistan) in order to carry out rapid offensive operations against the enemy. 
 This paper examines the emerging trends in aerial combat and military use of space simultaneously with a focus on on-going developments in South Asia. At first, this paper explores the emergence of aerospace potential for military means among major powers during the cold war. Following emerging global aerospace trends, it focuses how it encouraged a shift in strategy and doctrines of India and Pakistan because of drastic change in weaponry and how it created more space for the aerospace domain. Moreover, this paper analyses the defensive potential of arch-rivals India and Pakistan and explores the prospects of the aerospace industry in Pakistan.

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