
Urban space is used by citizens at different frequencies and contains various different functionalities. Therefore, it can be observed that some areas are internalized while others remain abandoned. Underused spaces are referred to as lost space in literature, defined by Roger Trancik (1986). The work by Trancik has influenced other researchers into thinking and studying lost space in cities. Kadikoy is a historical settlement located in Istanbul. Starting from the 19th century, the area has gone through transformations under the chronological effects of industrialization, deindustrialization, modernization and lastly urban regeneration. Additionally, economic, political and social changes have led to lost spaces in various areas of Kadikoy. This research aims to identify these lost spaces, investigate the reasons of them becoming underused and propose solutions on how they can be regained into city life. The investigation consists of three parts: literature review, physical area analysis and a questionnaire towards frequent users of Kadikoy. In the literature review, Roger Trancik’s concept of lost space will be examined as well as other approaches towards underused spaces. Physical analysis such as figure ground and linkage will be used in the determination of differentiated areas of Kadikoy in terms of urban fabric. The questionnaire will provide a sociological point of view, to understand the reasons behind the preferences of users towards the spaces of Kadikoy. The following questions have been of guidance throughout the research: How are lost spaces segregated from the rest of Kadikoy? What were the driven causes in the formation of lost spaces? What can be done to revitalize these spaces into city life?

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