
This paper revisits an extension of the Lagrangian–Hamiltonian mechanics that incorporates dissipative and non-potential fields, and non-integrable constraints in a compact form, such that one may obtain invariants of motion or possible invariant trajectories through an extension of Noether's theorem. A new concept of umbra-time has been introduced for this extension. This leads to a new form of equation, which is termed as the umbra-Lagrange's equation. The underlying variational principle, which is based on a recursive minimization of functionals, is presented. The introduction of the concept of umbra-time extends the classical manifold over which the system evolves. An extension of the Lagrangian–Hamiltonian mechanics over vector fields in this extended space has been presented. The idea of umbra time is then carried forward to propose the basic concept of umbra-Hamiltonian, which is used along with the extended Noether's theorem to provide an insight into the dynamics of systems with symmetries. Gauge functions for umbra-Lagrangian are also introduced. Extension of the Poincare–Cartan integral for the umbra-Lagrangian theory is also proposed, and its implications have been discussed. Several examples are presented to illustrate all these concepts.

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