
As the only eclipsing asynchronous polar, V1432 Aql provides an excellent laboratory to study the interaction between the accreted matter and the magnetic field. Here, we report an analysis of the X-ray data from the contemporaneous NuSTAR and Swift-XRT observations. The X-ray data present a profile with a low-intensity state for almost half an orbital period, a dip at 0.6 phase, and a peak at 0.75 phase, which suggests that there was only one accretion region during the observation and the claim is supported by the spectral analysis. The comparison with the previous data indicates that the X-ray data have an orbital modulation, as the case in BeppoSAX, rather than a spin one observed in ROSAT. We attribute the orbit and spin modulations to the different accretion geometries at work. The spectral analysis of the wide-band data presents a significant reflection effect, a commonly observed soft X-ray temperature, and the energy balance in V1432 Aql. Additionally, we obtained a low total accretion rate of 1.3 × 10−10 M ⊙ yr−1 and a high specific accretion rate of 3.8 g cm−2 s−1 which explains the strong reflection from the surface of the white dwarf. However, due to its complex emission, a more physical understanding of its accretion geometry is still outstanding.

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