
Ramachandran plots, which describe protein structures by plotting the dihedral angle pairs of the backbone on a two-dimensional plane, have played an important role in structural biology over the past few decades. However, despite continued discovery of new protein structures to date, the Ramachandran plot is still constructed by only a small number of data points, and further it cannot reflect the steric information of proteins. Here, we investigated the secondary structure of proteins in terms of static and dynamic characteristics. As for static feature, the Ramachandran plot was revisited for the dataset consisting of 9,148 non-redundant high-resolution protein structures released in the protein data bank until April 1, 2022. By calculating amino acid propensities, it was found that the proportion of secondary structures with respect to residue depth is directly related to their hydrophobicity. As for dynamic feature, normal mode analysis (NMA) based on an elastic network model (ENM) was carried out for the dataset using our KOSMOS web server (http://bioengineering.skku.ac.kr/kosmos/). All ENM-based NMA results were stored in the KOSMOS database, allowing researchers to use them in various ways. In this process, it was commonly found that high B-factors appeared at the edge of the alpha helix region, which was elucidated by introducing residue depth. In addition, by investigating the change in dihedral angle, it was possible to quantitatively survey the contribution of structural change of protein on the Ramachandran plot. In conclusion, our statistical analysis of protein characteristics will provide insight into a range of protein structural studies.

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