
This note proposes a closed poloidal magnetic configuration with an in-vessel coil system held by shielded supports. A dipole field is bounded by external coils and constrained into a hollow torus aiming at uniform intensity. In the horizontal mid-plane region the external coils and the dipole outer coils are broken in four arcs and bridged by couple of straight branches. Arcs and straight branches build a set of four side coils. In the clearance between their straight branches four tunnels in the poloidal magnetic field are achieved, to pass the supports and the feeders of the in-vessel coil system.A poloidal machine with a plasma thick as those of present large experiments is outlined. The dipole radius is 5.4m, the plasma about it has a constant poloidal cross-section about 40m2, a volume about 1300m3 and a minimum thickness 1m in the outboard. The magnetic field ranges from 1.4 to 1.8T.

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