
Retrospective dosimetry can be accomplished by means of a physical reconstruction using mathematical or anthropomorphic phantoms or biological or clinical indicators. Biological dosimetry, based on biochemical, cytological and cytogenetic indicators, reduces the uncertainties in dose estimation. Micronuclei, PCC and FISH are techniques now available to radiobiologists and radiation specialists, which will complement the role played by conventional cytogenetics. After the Chemobyl accident, reliance was on various bioclinical dosemeters, such as the onset of vomiting, lymphocytes and neutrophils and biochemical indicators. The onset of prodromal manifestations, haematological behaviour and other indicators presented by eight caesium patients were analysed and correlated with the biological dosimetry performed immediately after the accident. Clinical and haematological indicators matched to a good extent with the cytogenetic dosimetry performed in Brazil and the USA. It was concluded that in an accident involving the public, retrospective dosimetry could be helpful in aiding dose estimation and also in validating dosimetry established by conventional physical and biological techniques.

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