
Genome encapsidation is an essential step in the life cycle of viruses. Viruses either use some of the most powerful ATP-dependent motors to compel the genetic material into the preformed capsid or make use of the positively charged proteins to bind and condense the negatively charged genome in an energy-independent manner. While the former is a hallmark of large DNA viruses, the latter is commonly seen in small DNA and RNA viruses. Discoveries of many complex giant viruses such as mimivirus, megavirus, pandoravirus, etc., belonging to the nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA virus (NCLDV) superfamily have changed the perception of genome packaging in viruses. From what little we have understood so far, it seems that the genome packaging mechanism in NCLDVs has nothing in common with other well-characterized viral packaging systems such as the portal-terminase system or the energy-independent system. Recent findings suggest that in giant viruses, the genome segregation and packaging processes are more intricately coupled than those of other viral systems. Interestingly, giant viral packaging systems also seem to possess features that are analogous to bacterial and archaeal chromosome segregation. Although there is a lot of diversity in terms of host range, type of genome, and genome size among viruses, they all seem to use three major types of independent innovations to accomplish genome encapsidation. Here, we have made an attempt to comprehensively review all the known viral genome packaging systems, including the one that is operative in giant viruses, by proposing a simple and expanded classification system that divides the viral packaging systems into three large groups (types I–III) on the basis of the mechanism employed and the relatedness of the major packaging proteins. Known variants within each group have been further classified into subgroups to reflect their unique adaptations.

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