
The universal baryonic mass fraction (Ω b /Ω m ) can be sensitively constrained using X-ray observations of galaxy clusters. In this paper, we compare the baryonic mass fraction inferred from measurements of the cosmic microwave background with the gas mass fractions (f gas ) of a large sample of clusters taken from the recent literature. In systems cooler than 4 keV, /gas declines as the system temperature decreases. However, in higher temperature systems, f gas (r 500 ) converges to≈(0.12 ± 0.02) (h /0.72) -1.5 , where the uncertainty reflects the systematic variations between clusters at r 500· This is significantly lower than the maximum-likelihood value of the baryon fraction from the recently released Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) 3-yr results. We investigate possible reasons for this discrepancy, including the effects of radiative cooling and non-gravitational heating, and conclude that the most likely solution is that Ω m is higher than the best-fitting WMAP value (we find Ω m =0.36 +0.11 ¯0.08 , but consistent at the 2σ level. Degeneracies within the WMAP data require that σ 8 must also be greater than the maximum likelihood value for consistency between the data sets.

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