
Once termed as a basket case, Bangladesh is now a development wonder. Recently, it has entered the cluster of lower-middle-income countries and is predicted to join the cohort of developed ones by 2041. However, the challenge that lies ahead is to sustain the current economic growth with the emerging threat of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). There is no doubt that the country have the upper hand in order to counter these emerging critical scenario with its huge number of youths. Nonetheless, it will be pertinent to turn these youth force into productive human capital through providing both general and technical education in order to yield higher returns. On this backdrop, this study attempts to know whether our existing tertiary education system is rendering quality education to convert our youth force into effective human resources. Using qualitative tools of social research and drawing information from various secondary sources, the study argues that the existing tertiary education system is failing to produce skilled human resources which is again resulting in lower returns to the economy. Undoubtedly there has been quantitative progress in tertiary level education; nevertheless, the worrying factor has been regarding its quality. The crisis has not happened owing to the absence of adequate policy framework rather the translation of those into reality. This study offers a modest suggestion to take immediate steps by the government of Bangladesh to implement the recommendations as stated in the key policy instruments related to education and skill development along with the significant increase in the budgetary allocation for the tertiary education sector. In addition, efforts has to be put for transforming the existing University Grants Commission (UGC) into Higher Education Commission (HEC). Moreover, activation of the accreditation council is now a crying need for further improving the quality of education at the tertiary level.

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