
Corrosion and mitigation of environmental degradation of structural materials in high-temperature Gen IV molten salt reactors, are critical issues. However, any corrosion studies have historically been forensic post-test examinations and materials development has occurred mainly by trial and error until recently. Meanwhile, a fundamental understanding can only be achieved by recognizing how the corrosion system of model materials in molten fluoride salts evolves as a function of time. A number of in-situ spectroscopy techniques to identify corrosion product compositions in molten salts have been suggested in recent years. Raman, high-temperature UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy are a few of them [1,2]. These techniques' major limitations include the fact that they are mainly qualitative, and complex hardware requiring a beam focusing inside the glove box is needed. At the same time, electrochemical techniques have been presented which can provide the information on behavior of both metal and its corrosion product in the continuously evolving corrosion system in molten salts. However, use of single isolated methods renders it difficult to obtain mechanistic information on instantaneous, time-dependent processes and phenomena during corrosion. These are needs gaps opportunities. In this work we present a detailed electrochemical analysis of the corrosion of polycrystalline chromium at 600°C in FLiNaK over 50 h including an electrochemical analysis of in-situ near-instantaneous corrosion rates corroborated with other methods.A variety of corroborating methods including (1) in-situ electrochemical diagnostic techniques, (2) static immersion exposure with gravimetric and SEM analysis, (3) electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, (4) XRD, (5) ICP-OES, was utilized to study the corrosion behavior in unpurified FLiNaK at 600°C. The focus was to evaluate the viability of using an external non-reactive electrode to measure the concentration of corrosion products via redox process analysis in order to determine the corrosion rate during the process of OCP corrosion of Cr in FLiNaK. This work reports the possibility of using of electrochemical techniques such as CV for the instantaneous determination of Cr corrosion rates when Cr is exposed to a 600oC FLiNaK salts for 50 h. It was found that the concentration of dissolved corrosion products, in the more likely possible forms of CrF3 - and CrF6 3- , might be calculated by established analytical approaches to CV analysis such as Berzins-Delahay (soluble/insoluble) and Randles-Ševcik equations (soluble/soluble). The calculated values showed the definite concentration of Cr(II)/Cr(III) corrosion products at the distance of the external electrode (due to the static corrosion conditions). These finding supported by XRD and ICP-OES. A semi-infinite diffusion model was employed in this study to adjust the calculated concentrations assuming a stagnant solution and diffusion based one-dimensional concentration diffusion profile in order to calculated the Cr(III) concentration at a fixed position in the Cr(III) concentration gradient. It was shown that the semi-infinite diffusion model helps correctly describe this profile between 10 and 50 h, based on the geometry of the working electrode and corrosion cell. Based on these results the OCP corrosion rate was interpreted to switch over 50 h from initially charge transfer control Cr(II) oxidation at early times with likely HF and Cr(III) reduction, followed by mass transport control regulated by a salt film and then possible stifling due to depletion of HF and Cr(III) solubility limits.The results of half-cell redox potentials and peak currents pertaining to oxidation/reduction of Cr corrosion products were correlated to the concentrations of particular Cr species and compared with the results of mass loss experiment and ex-situ ICP-OES of post-exposed FLiNaK. The mass loss of the Cr(II)/Cr(III) metal that was approximated by spatially integrating the concentration profiles at a selected time, and the result of Cr mass loss separately obtained from gravimetric measurements showed a reasonable agreement. Furthermore, the rate of accumulation of Cr ions in the residual FLiNaK salt after 50 h of exposure determined by ICP-OES, correlated with the electrochemical CV and EIS analysis. In addition to this, the oxidation and reduction peak potentials pertaining to Cr/CrF3 - and CrF3 -/CrF6 3- redox reactions (measured on Pt wire) were compared with the OCP (measured on Cr) to provide insights on the predominant anodic and cathodic reactions. Acknowledgments This research was supported as part of the fundamental understanding of transport under reactor extremes (FUTURE), an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences. Utilization of the Malvern-Panalytical Empyrean diffractometer was supported by Nanoscale Materials Characterization Facility with National Science Foundation under award CHE-2102156. References Y. Liu et al., (2020) Corrosion Science. 169 108636. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108636.S. Fayfar, et al., (2022). https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-3nspm.

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