
Using Grodzins formalism as modified by S. Raman et al. (1988) [7] and D. Habs et al. (2002) [14], we analyze systematics of our latest evaluated B(E2) data for all the even–even nuclei in Z=2–104 range published in At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 107 (2016) 1 [5]. The analysis indicates a low predictive power of systematics for a large number of cases, and a strong correlation between B(E2) fit values and nuclear structure effects. These findings provide a strong rationale for introduction of individual or elemental (grouped by Z) fit parameters. The current estimates of quadrupole collectivities for systematics of even–even nuclei yield complementary values for comparison with experimental results and theoretical calculations. The lists of fit parameters and predicted B(E2) values are given and possible implications are discussed.

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