
<p>臺灣電視發展的論述,認定商業電視為先、公共電視續後之論,本研究重新檢視,提出補充。匯集當年(1956-1962)籌畫教育電視到試播之史實,從歷史檢視與政經批判,發現是一個凸顯五零年代,處於美援民主價值,對立蔣介石威權重整之矛盾,而意外成功的案例。一個傳播新科技的建設,顯著帶來公共利益,讓有志者突破財政限制,與商業利益分道揚鑣。1958 年一個意外的人事任命,開啟可能,從電機工程迴避爭辯,由硬體策略進入,達到試播與先發。</p> <p> </p><p>The establishment of Taiwan television is documenting firmly upon the great influence of American commercial broadcasting on its postwar nationbuilding. This research is questioning the above saying by one rediscovered upon the debate for educational TV (ETV) from 1956 to 1962.<br />Based on the recent unearthed documents, one revisited this topic is significant. According to the biographical study on certain figures led the Ministry of Education, to introduce the concept of ETV and its policy is gone through a contradictory process between U.S. democracy introduction and its backlash from taking back control by authoritarian state. The short success of educational TV service in 1962 is overshadowed immediately by Chiang Kai-shek’s will to overthrown the liberal democracy channeled by U.S. aid. However, the transition to monopoly media and state in sixties documented by this criticism is shed the light on the study of emergent TV in Taiwan.</p> <p> </p>

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