
The nominalEucrossorhinus microcuspidatusandCretorectolobus olsonifrom the Campanian Judith River Formation of Montana, correspond to teeth from juvenile and adult individuals of one single species of orectoloboid shark. The type series of the latter is heterogeneous and includes, besides the holotype, a tooth belonging to a different orectoloboid of a new generic type namedCederstroemia.This genus is unique among Orectolobiformes by comprising sharks with dental adaptations towards a strict cutting dentition. Two new species ofCederstroemiaare described:C. triangulatafrom the Judith River Formation of Montana andC. nilsifrom the early Campanian of the Kristianstad Basin, Skåne, Sweden. An emended diagnosis is provided forCretorectolobus, clarifying the dental characteristics of its members.

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