
A revision of the taxonomic status of Terebellides antarcticus Hessle, 1917, Terebellides longicaudatus Hessle, 1917 and Terebellides minutus Hessle, 1917 was undertaken through the examination of the type material. Thus, T. longicaudatus is regarded as a valid species and redescribed and T. antarcticus and T. minutus are considered as junior synonyms of Terebellides kerguelensis McIntosh, 1818. Terebellides longicaudatus is characterized by the presence of large lateral lobes on chaetigers 1 to 5, 1 and 2 being the largest, first thoracic acicular neurochaetae gently bent, wide thoracic neuropodia fascicles with numerous uncini and the first notopodium greatly reduced. Comments on several body characters related to branchial and chaetal structure are also provided.

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