
A total of 44 species are placed in the genus Dacus inSouth-east Asia and divided amongst four subgenera, viz.Callantra Walker, Dacus Fabricius,DidacusCollart and LeptoxydaMacquart. In all, 27 species are revised and the following 17 new speciesdescribed: Dacus (Callantra)ambonensis, D.(C.) atrimarginatus,D. (C.)calirayae, D.(C.)feijeni,D. (C.)insulosus, D.(C.) lagunae,D. (C.)leongi, D.(C.) maculipterus,D. (C.)murphyi, D.(C.) nanggalae,D. (C.)ooii, D.(C.) ramanii,D.(C.)siamensis,D. (C.)tenebrosus, D.(C.) vijaysegarani,D. (C.)wallacei, Dacus(Dacus) santongae. A key tospecies within the genus Dacus is presented based oncharacters that bypass subgeneric groupings, because of the presentuncertainty of subgeneric limits. Information is given on location of typespecimens, host plants, attractant records and geographic distributions.Lectotypes are designated for D. conopsoides de Meijere, D. esakii (Shiraki),D. icariiformis Enderlein andD. persicus Hendel. Thirteen new synonymies withinDacus are established:Callantra ihai Shiraki [ofDacus esakii (Shiraki)];Callantra smieroides Walker,Mellesis destillatoria Bezzi,Mellesis eumenoides Bezzi,Mellesis bioculata Bezzi,Callantra unifasciatus Hardy,Callantra variegata Wang (all ofDacus longicornis Wiedemann);Mellesis apicalis Shiraki [ofDacus nummularius(Bezzi)];Callantra munroi Zaka-ur-Rab,Callantra nepalensis Hardy,Callantra quadristriata Munro [all ofDacus polistiformis (Senior-White)];Callantra ziae Wang [ofDacus satanas (Hering)];Dacus cocciniae Premlata & Awtar Singh (ofDacus ciliatus Loew).Dacus persicus Hendel is removed from synonymy withD. longistylus Wiedemann.Sinodacus fuscans Wang is placed as a new synonym ofBactrocera brachycera(Bezzi).

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