
The “simulans-group” of Euops Schoenherr is described. It contains three previously described species, E. buergersi Voss, E. mysolensis Voss, and E. wallacei Sharp, plus 19 species described as new: E. angulithorax sp. n., E. asekianus sp. n., E. balkei sp. n., E. batantae sp. n., E. breyniae sp. n., E. cydopensis sp. n., E. deceptus sp. n., E. flyensis sp. n., E. japensis sp. n., E. kukukuku sp. n., E. kutubu sp. n., E. lani sp. n., E. lobipes sp. n., E. parangulithorax sp. n., E. reticulatus sp. n., E. simulans sp. n., E. vulgaris sp. n., E. wei sp. n., and E. zimmii sp. n. Lectotypes are designated for E. buergersi Voss, E. picipes Voss, E. mysolensis Voss, and E. wallacei Sharp. Euops picipes Voss is treated as a junior synonym of E. mysolensis Voss [New synonymy]. Euops wallacei Sharp is known from Irian Jaya, not from Papua New Guinea as stated in earlier literature where it is confused with a different species. The treated species are described and the characters relevant for their identification, especially the male genitalia, are illustrated. A key to the species is provided. Within the simulans-group six different types of proventriculus are recognized and they are illustrated. A cladistic analysis is performed. The group is restricted to New Guinea and some small neighboring islands. The distribution patterns suggest an ability for rapid dispersal over land. Some species occur both in coastal areas and in high elevations of the interior of New Guinea.

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