
The aim of the present work is to determine the morphological characteristics of the lower Aptian (lower Cretaceous) ammonite species Cheloniceras cornuelianum (d’Orbigny, 1841) (Douvilleiceratinae, Douvilleiceratidae) on the basis of 32 specimens from the Paris Basin (France), including the lectotype of the species and 23 topotype specimens. It is generally admitted that this species occurs in the Deshayesites forbesi-Dufrenoyia furcata zones interval (lower Aptian). Our study has lead to several unexpected results. First, the study sample of C. cornuelianum is very probably younger and has more primitive traits than expected: it is probably dated around the limit between the Deshayesites forbesi and Deshayesites deshayesi zones and is morphologically close to the earlier genus Procheloniceras Spath, 1923. Secondly, the lectotype is an extreme specimen with much derived traits compared to its original population. It constitutes an example of type-specimen not morphologically representative of its original population, responsible of a risk of misinterpretation of the species. Finally, the intraspecific variability and the proportion of asymmetric specimens of the study sample of C. cornuelianum are very important but there is no evidence of sexual dimorphism.

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