
Anophryocephalus Baylis, 1922 is emended to include tetrabothriid cestodes with intricate scolices (paired auricular appendages and bothridial operculae), complex genital atria (muscular chamber ventral to the vagina; muscular pad adjacent to the aperture of the male canal), and atrophy of the dorsal osmoregulatory system. Anophryocephalus anophrys (type), A. skrjabini, and A. ochotensis are redescribed. Anophryocephalus nunivakensis sp.nov., from Phoca largha, has bothridial operculae with broad anterior apertures, an ovoid cirrus sac (57–95 μm in diameter), a ventrolaterally directed male canal (26–44 μm long in mature segments), and 26–56 testes. Anophryocephalus eumetopii sp.nov., from Eumetopias jubatus, has bothridial operculae with narrow, slitlike, diagonally directed apertures, a spheroidal cirrus sac (51–72 μm in diameter), a prominent genital papilla and ventrolaterally directed male canal (36–51 μm long in mature segments), and 32–66 testes. Postlarval ontogeny of the scolex among some species of Anophryocephalus appears similar to that known for Tetrabothrius spp., suggesting uniformity in morphogenesis of the holdfast among the Tetrabothriidae. Anophryocephalus spp. are typical parasites of pinnipeds in the Holarctic, and contrary to previous reports, A. skrjabini and A. ochotensis are exclusively parasites of Phoca spp. and Eumetopias jubatus, respectively, at high latitudes in the North Pacific basin and Bering Sea.

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