
After creation of open or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, gastric prolapse and leak of gastric contents may cause serious skin rash and infection which are often difficult to treat. We present four patients in whom these problems were solved with gastrostomy revision by a modified Janeway 'gastric tube' technique. The patients were aged 7 months and 7, 10 and 16 years at the time of the revision. The underlying conditions were hypoxic encephalopathy with epilepsy, infantile spasm and epilepsy with arthrogryposis, dystonic tetraplegy, and total colon aganglionosis. All patients had gastrostomy prolapse with peristomal skin rash and cellulitis. Prior to modified Janeway revision, the four patients had undergone a total of 16 failed attempts to cure the prolapse. At the operation, the previous gastrostomy was detached and closed. A longitudinal gastric tube of 6 cm was created along the greater curvature with a GIA stapler and brought through the abdominal wall leaving 3-5 cm of free intra-abdominal gastric tube. A balloon catheter was left for 6 weeks, and replaced with a long Mickey tube according to patient's or caretaker's preference. There were no surgical complications. Hospitalisation after revision was median 6 (range 4-11) days. Six weeks after the revision, prolapse, leak and peristomal infections were cured in all patients, and feeding through the gastrostomy presented no problems. One patient underwent minor excision of excess stomal mucosa. Two patients opted for Mickey tube, two for a feeding catheter. A median of 9 (6-16) months after the revision, all patients have a functioning gastrostomy without prolapse or leak. Modified Janeway 'gastric tube' revision is feasible and, within short to medium term follow-up, controls efficiently gastrostomy prolapse and leak.

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