
Porina-like cheilostome bryozoans are a taxonomically problematic group. They were moderately common in latest Cretaceous sediments throughout the world. However, the complexity of their tiny skeletons makes it difficult to describe species morphologically, especially as many features have no counterparts in Recent cheilostomes. In this contribution, we revise the type material of most known Porina-like cheilostomes from the Campanian and Maastrichtian of Central Asia using combined scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microtomography. The revised species are Diplobeisselina? abduazimovae (Favorskaya, 1992), Beisselinopsis quincunx Voigt, 1962, Pseudobathystomella lata Favorskaya, 1988, Beisselina bella Favorskaya, 1980 and Uzbekipora anplievae (Favorskaya, 1992). Pseudobathystomella mira sp. nov. is proposed for one colony previously identified as Pseudobathystomella lata, while one badly preserved specimen previously assigned to Beisselina bella is described here in open nomenclature as Beisselina? sp. The diagnosis of Pseudobathystomella Favorskaya, 1988 is amended. Uzbekipora gen. nov. is introduced for one species from the southern Aral Sea region in Uzbekistan showing a frontal shield traversed by a reticulate network of ridges that conceals autozooidal boundaries and encloses foraminate mounds.

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