
In paper are presented drawings and pictures of sea urchins from original works of authors who determined and documented new species from Istria. TARAMELLI (1874), BITTNER (1880), OPPENHEIM (1901), TONIOLO (1909) and DEGLI INNOCENTI (1924 a, b) established in Paleogene beds of Istria 18 new species of Eocene sea urchins. Determined were four species of regular sea urchins of genera Stereocidaris, Phyllacanthus, "Eucidaris" and Arachniopleurus, and fourteen species of irregular sea urchins of nine genera - Conoclypus, Echinolampas, Rhyncholampas, Gitolampas, Ditremaster, Pericosmus, Prenaster, Brissopsis and Cyclaster. The highest species diversity was recorded within genus Echinolampas. New sea urchins species originate prevailingly in the Middle Eocene - Lutetian beds of localities in the narrower and broader surroundings of Koper, Buzet, Roč, Grdoselo, Pazin, Pićan, Čepić and Labin.


  • Nekatere vrste so poimenovane po osebnostih - profesorjih in raziskovalcih (Stereocidaris destefanii, Rhgncholampas taramellii, Brissopsis destefanii, Cyclaster stachei in C. oppenheimi), druge po zbiralcih in risarjih ali umetnikih (Phyllacanthus scampicii, Echinolampas stoppanii, E. lucanii in Ditremaster covazi), ali po geografskih in krajevnih imenih (Arachniopleurus istrianus, Echinolampas istriana in Pericosmus tergestinus) ter po morfoloških značilnostih (“Eucidaris” tuberculosa, Conoclgpus subcampanaeformis, Echinolampas connectens, E. obesa, Gitolampas bathypygus in Prenaster paradoxus)

  • Fossil remains from Istria that are very numerous and of very high diversity have been studied by a number of experts

  • The authors TARAMELLI (1874), BITTNER (1880), OPPENHEIM (1901), TONIOLO (1909) and DEGLI INNOCENTI (1924 a,b) are those who established among the Eocene sea urchins of Istria 18 new species

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Ključne besede: morski ježki, eocen, Istra Key ivords: sea urchins, Eocene, Istria. V prispevku so zbrane in predstavljene risbe in slike morskih ježkov iz originalnih del avtorjev, ki so določali in dokumentirali nove vrste iz Istre. TARAMELLI (1874), BITTNER (1880), OPPENHEIM (1901), TONIOLO (1909) in DEGLI INNOCENTI (1924 a, b) so v paleogenskih skladih Istre ugotovili 18 novih vrst eocenskih morskih ježkov. Ugotovljene so štiri vrste pravilnih morskih ježkov rodov Stereocidaris, Phyllacanthus, “Eucidaris” in Arachniopleurus ter štirinajst vrst nepravilnih morskih ježkov devetih rodov Conoclypus, Echinolampas, Rhyncholampas, Gitolampas, Ditremaster, Pericosmus, Prenaster, Brissopsis in Cyclaster. Največja vrstna raznolikost je registrirana znotraj rodu Echinolampas. Nove vrste morskih ježkov so pretežno iz srednjeeocenskih - lutetijskih skladov najdišč iz bližnje in daljnje okolice Kopra, Buzeta, Roča, Grdosela, Pazina, Pična, Čepiča in Labina

Nove vrste morskih ježkov iz eocenskih skladov Istre
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