
Multiplanet systems exhibit a diversity of architectures that diverge from the solar system and contribute to the topic of exoplanet demographics. Radial velocity (RV) surveys form a crucial component of exoplanet surveys, as their long observational baselines allow for searches for more distant planetary orbits. This work provides a significantly revised architecture for the multiplanet system HD 134606 using both HARPS and UCLES RVs. We confirm the presence of previously reported planets b, c, and d with periods of 12.0897−0.0018+0.0019 , 58.947−0.054+0.056 , and 958.7−5.9+6.3 days and masses of 9.14−0.63+0.65 , 11.0 ± 1, and 44.5 ± 2.9 Earth masses, respectively, with the planet d orbit significantly revised to over double that originally reported. We report two newly detected super-Earths, e and f, with periods of 4.31943−0.00068+0.00075 and 26.9−0.017+0.019 days and masses of 2.31−0.35+0.36 and 5.52−0.73+0.74 Earth masses, respectively. In addition, we identify a linear trend in the RV time series, and the cause of this acceleration is deemed to be a newly detected massive companion with a very long orbital period. HD 134606 now displays four low-mass planets in a compact region near the star, one gas giant further out in the habitable zone, an additional companion in the outer regime, and a low-mass M dwarf stellar companion at large separation, making it an intriguing target for system formation/evolution studies. The location of planet d in the habitable zone proves to be an exciting candidate for future space-based direct imaging missions, whereas continued RV observations of this system are recommended for understanding the nature of the massive, long-period companion.

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