
REVIEWS in this articles: La formation de l'Évangile selon Marc. by Étienne TrocmÉ. The First Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians. By Jean HÉring. God's Rule and Kingdom. By Rudolf Schnackenburg. Translated by John Murray. La Libertà Greca. By Max Pohlenz. Foreword by Italo Lana. Italian translation by Maria Bellincioni. Agape in the New Testament, Volume One, Agape in the Synoptic Gospels. Ceslaus Spicq., o.p. Translated by Marie Aquinas McNamara, o.p. And Mary Honoria Richter, o.p. The Individual and the Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy. By Ernst Cassirer. Translated with an Introduction by Mario Domandi. Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition. By Frances A. Yates. David Hume. A Symposium. Edited by D. F. Pears. Clarity Is Not Enough. Essays in Criticism of Linguistic Philosophy. Edited by H. D. Lewis. Dynamisme Volontaire et Jugement Libre. By Louis Leahy, s.j. The Christian Belief in God. By Daniel Jenkins. La Foi et la ThÉologie. By Yves Congar, o.p. Mary: A History of Doctrine and Devotion. By Hilda Graef. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin. By Hilda Graef. A Voice Said Ave! Translations by Charles Dollen. The Blessed Virgin Mary. Essays edited by E. L. Mascall and H. S. Box. Mary Archetype of the Church. By Otto Semmelroth, s.j. Translated by Maria von Eroes and John Devlin. Drama and Imagery in English Medieval Churches. By Mary D. Anderson. Gesta Francorum et Aliorum Hierosolimitanorum. Edited by Rosalind Hill. The Quest for Catholicity. By George H. Tavard. John Gorham Palfrey and the New England Conscience. By Frank Otto Gatell. The Architecture of Matter. By Stephen Toulmin and June Goodfield. Teaching and preaching the New Testament. By A. M. Hunter. The New Testament in Current Study. By Reginald H. Fuller. The Gospel according to St Mark. By Alexander Jones. The Justice of God in the Teaching of Jesus. By J. Arthur Baird. The Christology of the New Testament. By Oscar Cullmann. L'Apocalypse. By AndrÉ Feuillet. L'Église duns la Bible. Communications prÉsenÉes a la xviie rÉunion annuelle de I'ACEBAC. Saint Basil. Exegetic Homilies. Translated by Sister Agnes Clare Way, c.d.p. Studies in Pastoral Liturgy, Volume Two. Edited by Vincent Ryan. The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Volume XIV. Papal Aggression, July 1850 to December 1851. Edited by Charles Stephen Dessain of the Birmingham Oratory and Vincent Ferrer Blehl, s.j. The Spirituality of the Mass in the Light of Thomistic Theology. By Adolph D. Frenay, o.p. The Honest to God Debate. Edited by David L. Edwards. Zur Situation der Kirche. By Ignaz Zangerle. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. Vol. XXXVII: Philosophy in a Pluralistic Society. Edited by Leo A. Foley and George F. McLean. Die Philosophie der Technik bei Friedrich Dessauer, ihre Entwicklung, Motive und Grenzen. By Klaus Tuchel. Minds and Machines Edited by Alan Ross Anderson.

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