
Law Reform NOW. Edited by Gerald Gardiner, q.c., and Andrew Martin, ph.d.The Lawyer in Society. By James J. Cavanaugh.Winfield on Tort. Seventh edition. By J. A. Jolowicz, m.a., Barrister‐at‐Law, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and T. Ellis Lewis, b.a., ll.b., ph.d., Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge.The Law of Torts. Third edition. By Harry Street, ll.m., ph.d., Solicitor, Professor of English Law in the University of Manchester.Cases on the Law of Torts. Third edition. By Cecil A. Wright, q.c., s.j.d., ll.d., Dean and Professor of Law, University of Toronto.Administrative Law. By J. F. Garner, ll.m., Solicitor, Senior Lecturer in Law in the University of Birmingham.Offenders as Employees. An Inquiry by the Cambridge Institute of Criminology. By J. P. Martin.Amos & Walton's Introduction to French Law. Second edition. By F. H. Lawson, A. E. Anton and L. Neville Brown.International Law and the Use of Force by States. By I. Brownlie.Law in the Service of Peace—Two Concepts.Soviet Legal Institutions. By Kazimierz Grzybowski.Studies Critical and Comparative. By T. B. Smith, q.c., d.c.l., ll.d., f.b.a.The Argentine Penal Code. Translated by Emilio Gonzalez‐Lopez. With an Introduction by Ricardo Levene. (American Series of Foreign Penal Codes No. 6.)Acta Juridica, 1960. Edited by Professor B. Beinart. General Editors: Professor D. V. Cowen, Dr. Wouter de Vos and Professor T. W. Price.A Digest of South African Native Civil Case Law, 1894–1957. By H. W. Warner, Late Permanent Member, Southern Native Appeal Court.Maasdorp's Institutes of South African Law. Volume III. Seventh Edition. Edited and revised by C. G. Hall, q.c., ll.d.(Stellenbosch), Judge‐President of the South West Africa Division; formerly Judge of the Cape Provincial Division and Judge of Appeal in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa.

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