
Book reviewed in this article: Writings on British History 1934. Compiled by A. T. MilneBORNSKI (Ludwig) Der Stil König Alfreds. Eine Studie zur Psychologie der Rede. The Place‐Names of Surrey. By J. E. B. Gover, A. Mawer and F. M. Stenton. The Oxford History of England. Vol. I: Roman Britain and the English Settlements. By R. G. Collingwood and J. N. L. Myres. Coinage and Currency in Roman Britain. By C. H. V. Sutherland. The Earliest Norwegian Laws, being the Gulathing Law and the Frosta‐thing Law. Translated from the Old Norwegian by Laurence M. Larson. Bartholomew of Exeter, Bishop and Canonist. By Dom Adrian Morey. Fourteenth Century Studies. By M. V. Clarke. Edited by L. S. Sutherland and M. McKisack. The Incorporation of Boroughs. By Martin Weinbaum. James I, King of Scots, 1406–1437. By E. W. Balfour‐Melville.Umriss einer Geschichle der Preise und Löhne in Deutachland vom ausgehenden Mittelalter bis zum Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. By M. J. Elsas. Vol. I A History of France from the Death of Louis XI. Vol. v. France in 1515. By Johm S. C. Bbidge. Sir Richard Grenville of the Revenge. By A. L. Rowse. Sir Richard Grenville. By George Herbert Bushnell. Ayr Burgh Accounts, 1534–1624. Transcribed and edited by George S. Pryde. The Oxford History of England. Vol. v: The Early Stuarts. By Godfrey Davies. The Development of Religions Toleration in England, from the Accession of James I to the Convention of the Long Parliament (1603–40). By W. K. Jordan. The Cambridge History of India. Vol. iv. The Mughul Period. Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. 1724–5, 1726–7, 1728–9. Poor Fred: the People's Prince. By Sir George Young. Royal George. By C. E. Vulliamy. The Foundation of Australia: a Study in English Criminal Practice and Penal Colonization in the Eighteenth Century. By Eris O'Brien. A History of the University of Melbourne. By Ernest Scott. Robert Burns. The Man and his Work. By Hans Hecht. Translated from the German by Jane Lymburn. The Canadian Commercial Revolution, 1845–1851. By Gilbert Norman Tucker. The Commerce of North Carolina, 1763–1789. By Charles Christopher Crittenden. The Spanish Marriages, 1841–1846. A Study of the Influence of Dynastic Ambition upon Foreign Policy. By E. Jones Parry.Hindenburg: the Wooden Titan. By John W. Wheeler‐Bennett. The Peace. Settlement in the German‐Polish Borderlands. By Ian F. D. Morrow, assisted by L. M. Sievering.

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