
Democratic Experiments in Africa: Regime Transitions in Comparative Perspective by Michael Bratton and Nicholas van de Walle. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997. xvi plus 307pp. Democracy in Africa: The Hard Road Ahead edited by Marina Ottaway. Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc., Boulder (Colorado) and London, 1997. vii plus 176pp. Frontline Diplomacy: Humanitarian Aid and Conflict in Africa by John Prendergast. Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc., Boulder (Colorado), 1996. viii plus 165pp. including notes, bibliography and index. $12.00 paperback. Burundi: Ethnic Conflict and Genocide by Rene Lemarchand. Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1996. xxxvii plus 193pp. including maps, photographs and references. Paperback. United States, France and Equatorial Guinea: The Dubious ‘Friendships’ by Max Liniger‐Goumaz.Les Editions du Temps, Geneva, 1997. 288pp. including bibliographies, annexes and index. Guinea Ecuatorial, Bibliografia General IX by Max Liniger‐Goumaz. Les Editions du Temps, Geneva, 1996. 335pp. Rebuilding Societies after Civil War: Critical Roles for International Assistance edited by Krishna Kumar. Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc., Boulder (Colorado) and London, 1997. xii plus 329pp. Paperback. Agriculture, Foraging and Wildlife Resource Use in Africa: The Cultural and Political Dynamics in the Zambezi Valley by Richard Hasler. Kegan Paul International, London and New York, 1996. xiv plus 208pp. Sol Plaatje: Selected Writings edited by Brian Willan. Witwatersrand University Press and Ohio University Press, Johannesburg and Athens (Ohio), 1996. xvi plus 483pp. Paperback.

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