
Scandinavian Kings in the British Isles 850–880 Alfred P. Smyth Oxford University Press, 1977 x+307 pp. £10 Reconstructing Historical Communities Alan Macfarlane, with Sarah Harrison and Charles Jardine Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1977. ix+222 pp., illus. £3.95 peter earle Dearth and distress in Yorkshire 1793–1801 Roger A. E. Weils University of York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, Borthwick Papers No. 52, 1977 49 pp. 80p plus 10p postage Radnage C. C. Jackson Privately printed for Her Majesty's Silver Jubilee, 1977 iv +146 pp., 7 maps, 11 plates. £2.95 (from High Wycombe Bookshop, Castle Street, High Wycombe) Ashley House (Walton‐on‐ Thames) building accounts 1602–1607 Edited by M. E. Blackman Surrey Record Society, vol. XXIX, Guildford, 1977 xxix+84 pp. £6 to non‐members The Devon cloth industry in the eighteenth century: Sun Fire Insurance Office inventories of merchants’ and manufacturers’ property 1726–1770 Edited by S. D. Chapman Devon and Cornwall Record Society, New Series, vol. 23, 1978. xxvi + 159 pp. Constitutional Relations between Britain and India The Transfer of Power 1942–7: Vol. VI. The post‐war phase: new moves by the Labour Government, 1 August 1945–22 March 1946 Vol. VII. The Cabinet Mission, 23 March ‐ 29 June 1946 Edited by N. Mansergh and Penderel Moon London, HMSO, 1976–7 lxxxvi +1280 pp., £30; lxxxiii + 1130 pp., £35 A Dictionary of the Norman or Old French Language [and] The Laws of William the Conqueror By Robert Kelham Republished by Tabard Press, Wakefleld, 1978, from the original editions, London, 1779 viii+259 pp. and xii+88pp. £10 Primary sources for Victorian Studies Richard Storey and Lionel Madden Chichester, Phillimore, 1977 81 pp. £3–50 In search of army ancestry Gerald Hamilton‐Edwards Chichester, Phillimore, 1977 106 pp., 9 illus. £3.50 Education in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. A guide to the records Edited by C. R. Davey Hampshire Archivists’ Group, Publication No. 3, 1977. 196 pp. £1.55 Women in Australia. An annotated guide to records Edited by Kaye Daniels, Mary Murnane and Anne Picot Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1977 2 vols., xxix + 178 pp., 218 pp. The Bibliography of Museum and Art Gallery Publications and Audio‐visual Aids in Great Britain and Ireland 1977 Edited by Jean Lambert Cambridge, Chadwyck‐Healey Ltd., 1978, 372 pp. £28 The Registers of St. Paul's School, Sir Michael McDonnell, KBE London, The Gavin Press, 1977 xxvii+479 pp. £25 Laughter in the House R. G. A. Chesterman Cheshire County Council, 1978 51pp. +6 pp. insert, illus. £1.25 +20p postage The Victorian and Edwardian City of London from old photographs James L. Howgego London, Batsford, 1977 143 illus. no pagination, £4.50 The Guinness Book of Autographs Ray Rawlins Enfield, Guinness Superlatives Ltd., 1977 xii+244 pp. £7–95 Aus der Arbeit des Bundesarchivs (Schriften des Bundesarchivs 25) Edited by Heinz Boberach & Hans Booms Boppard am Rhein, Harald Boldt Verlag, 1978 568 pp., illus. DM38 Archives in New Zealand. A report Wilfred I. Smith Archives and Records Association of New Zealand, Wellington, 1978 50 pp. 50 pp. $NZ3 to non‐members

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