
Book Reviews in This Article:F. R. H. du Boulay. The Lordship of Canterbury. An Essay on Medieval Society.Elspeth M. Veale. The English Fur Trade in the Later Middle Ages. Faculty Office Registers, 1534‐1549. A Calendar of the first two Registers of the Archbishop of Canterbury s Faculty Office.A. J. Slavin. Politics and Profit: a study of Sir Ralph Sadler, 1507‐47.D. M. Livock (Ed.). City Chamberlains’ Accounts in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.A. M. Everitt. The Community of Kent and the Great Rebellion.Peter Laslett. The World We Have Lost.Lionel Munby. Hertfordshire Population Statistics.A. D. Francis. The Methuens and Portugal, 1691‐1708.D. F. McKenzie. The Cambridge University Press, 1696‐1712. A Bibliographical Study.Sir Francis Hill. Georgian Lincoln. Camden Miscellany.R. M. Barton. A History of the Cornish China‐Clay Industry.John Burnett. Plenty and Want. A Social History of Diet in England from 1815 to the Present Day.M. W. Flinn (Ed.). Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, by Edwin Chadwick, 1842.E. J. Hobsbawm. Labouring Men. Studies in the History of Labour.Frank Whitson Fetter. Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy, 1797‐1875.J. M. Hussey (Ed.). The Cambridge Medieval History.Henry J. Cohn. The Government of the Rhine Palatinate in the Fifteenth Century.Carlo M. Cipolla. Guns and Sails in the Early Phase of European Expansion, 1400‐1700.Alain Dubois. Die Salzversorgung des Wallis, 1500‐1610. Wirtschaft und Politik.Z. Y. Hershlag. Introduction to the Economic History of the Middle East.Sunil Kumar Sen. Studies in Industrial Policy and Development of India.Frank H. H. King. Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1845‐1895.William W. Lockwood (Ed.). The State and Economic Enterprise in Japan.Eijiro Honjo. The Social and Economic History of Japan.UNITED STATES OF AMERICAStuart Bruchey. The Roots of American Economic Growth, 1607‐1861: An Essay in Social Causation.Daniel H. Calhoun. Professional Lives in America: Structure and Aspiration, 1750‐1850.Frederick G. Jensen. Capital Growth in Early America.Alice E. Smith. George Smith's Money.Albert Fishlow. American Railroads and the Transformation of the Ante Bellum Economy.Eugene D. Genovese. The Political Economy of Slavery, Studies in the Economy and Society of the Slave South.David T. Gilchrist and W. David Lewis (Eds.). Economic Change in the Civil War Era.Thomas J. Pressly and William H. Scofield (Eds.). Farm Real Estate Values in the United States by Counties, 1850‐1959.Thomas W. Gavett. Development of the Labor Movement in Milwaukee.Gabriel Kolko. Railroads and Regulation, 1877‐1916.J. D. B. De Bow. The Industrial Resources, Statistics, etc. of the United States.Thomas R. Brooks. Toil and Trouble: A History of American Labor.Harvey S. Perloff, Edgar S. Dunn, Jr, Eric E. Lampard, and Richard F. Muth. Regions, Resources, and Economic Growth.J. Van Fenstermaker. The Development of American Commercial Banking: 1782‐1837.Robert F. Durden. The Climax of Populism: The Election of 1896.Cedric B. Cowing. Populists, Plungers, and Progressives: A Social History of Stock and Commodity Speculation, 1890‐1936.Marshall R. Colberg. Human Capital in Southern Development, 1939‐1963.Joe S. Bain. International Differences in Industrial Structure: Eight Mations in the 1950's.Jacob Schmookler. Invention and Economic Growth.M. Da Pozzo and G. Felloni. La Borsa Valori di Genova nel secolo XIX.Valerio Castronovo. L'industria laniera in Piemonte nel secolo XIX.PERIODICAL LITERATURE, 1965

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