
Book reviewed in this article:Justice and Administrative Law. By W. A. Robson. Second Edition.A Fragment on Government and An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. By Jeremy Bentham. Edited with an Introduction by Wilfred Harrison, Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford.Outlines of Jurisprudence. By B. R. Wise, m.a. Sixth Edition by R. W. M. Dias, m.a., ll.b.Juvenile Delinquency in an English Middletown. By Hermann Mannheim.Monopolies and Patents. A Study of the History and Future of the Patent Monopoly. By Harold G. Fox, ph.d., litt.d., k.c.Unfair Competition and Trade Marks. By R. Callmann. Three Volumes.Macdonald on the Criminal Law of Scotland. Fifth Edition by James Walker, m.a., k.c., and D. J. Stevenson.The Trial of German Major War Criminals: Proceedings of the International Military Tribunal sitting at Nuremberg, Germany.The Conflict of Laws. By R. H. Graveson.The Export Trade. A Manual of Law and Practice. By Clive M. Schmitthoff, ll.m. (Lond.), ll.d. (Berl.), Barrister‐at‐Law.Chitty's Law of Contracts. Twentieth Edition, under the general editorship of Harold Potter, ll.d., Barrister‐at‐Law. With First Supplement by Barry Chedlow, Barrister‐at‐Law.The Law of Negligence. By J. Charlesworth, ll.d., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister‐at‐Law, Recorder of Scarborough. Second Edition.A Divorce Handbook, including other Matrimonial Causes. By S. Seuffert.Probate and Divorce Handbook. By D. Perronet Rees. Second Edition, revised and enlarged.Notes on Matrimonial Causes Proceeding in District Registries. By Thomas Stanworth Humphreys. Second Edition, revised.A Handbook on the Death Duties. By H. Arnold Woolley, Solicitor of the Supreme Court. Sixth Edition.Zivilprozessrecht, Eine Systematische Darstellung. Adolf Schönke (Professor at the University of Freiburg). Fourth Edition.Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht, Eine Systematische Darstellung. Adolf Schönke (Professor at the University of Freiburg). Fourth Edition.Local Councils and the Citizen. By R. Simon, m.a., Assistant Solicitor, City of Kingston‐upon‐Hull.Legal Effects of War. By Sir A. D. McNair. Third Edition.The Law of Trade Unions. By H. Samuels, m.a., of the Middle Temple and Northern Circuit, Barrister‐at‐Law. Third Edition.Industrial Law. By the same author. Third Edition.Clarke Hall and Morrison's Law Relating to Children and Young Persons including the Law of Adoption. Third Edition by A. C. L. Morrison assisted by L. G. Banwell.Palmer's Company Law. Eighteenth Edition by His Honour Judge Topham, k.c.Company Accounts. By Vivian H. Frank, m.a. (Cantab), f.c.a.La Criminalité Juvénile en tant que Phénomène économique et social. Par Henri Gielb. Avec une préface du Professeur Joseph Magnol.Three Lectures on the Companies Act, 1947. Delivered by Henry B. Lawson, m.c, b.a., ll.b.Oyez Practice Notes. No. 1—Change of Name. By J. F. Josling. Second Edition.La Puissance Protectrice en Droit International d'Après les Expériences Faites par la Suisse Pendant la Seconds Guerre Mondiale.The Principles of Land Law under the Land Registration Act, 1925. Second Edition. By Harold Potter, ll.d., Gray's Inn, Barrister‐at‐Law; Fellow and Dean of the Faculty of Laws of King's College, London, and Professor of English Law in the University of London.Law of Copyright. By W. W. Copinger and F. E. Skone James. Eighth Edition.The Indian Law Review.

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