
Book reviewed in this article:The Religious Orders in England. Volume III: ‘The Tudor Age’. By Dom David Knowles, Fellow of Peterhouse and Regius Professor of Momdern History in the University of Cambridge.Morality and the Homosexual: A Catholic Approach to a Moral Problem. By Rev. Michael Buckley; D.D., with a foreword by the Most Rev. John C. Heenan, D.D., Archbishop of Liverpool.A Modern Introduction to Moral Philosophy. By Alan Montefiore.Three Traditions of Moral Thought. By Dorothea Krook.Second Thoughts in Moral Philosophy. By A. C. Ewing.F. H. Bradley. By Richard Wollheim.Godel's Proof. By Ernest Nagel and James R. Newman.A concise Hostory of Modern Painting. By Herbert Read.The Gospel According to Thoomas. Coptic Text Established and Translated by A. Guillaumont et al.Balzac The European, by E. J. Oliver (Sheed and Ward, 15s.), is a study of the novelist, informed and perceptive, in terms of the Romantic world which Balzac symoblized.St bernard of Clairvaux (Mowbray, 10s. 6d.) provides an English translation, by Geoffrcy Webb and Adrian Walker, of the story of the saint's life as rccorded by his friends and contemporaries.The Faith Explained (Geoffrey Chapman, 27s. 6d.) is described as an encyclopaedia of the Catholic Faith, written by Leo Trese, an American pricst. It is a useful and unambitious summary of the usual territory of religious instruction, written, so to say, with a transatlantic accent.Why Christ, by the Abbot of Downside, is one of the first titles issued by the new publishing house of Doarton, Longman and Todd (10s.6d.) With his customary clarity, the Abbort examines thc need of modem man for religion and the claims of the Church to meet it.The Dominicans, by John Baptist Reeves, O.P. (Blackfriars Publications, 10s. 6d.), is a re‐issue of a brilliant essay on the history and spirit of the Order of Preachers.The Owl's Watchsong by, J. A. Cuddon (Banie and Rockcliff, ZSs.), is an oddly named study of Istanbul, fully illustratcd, and providing an attractive guide to the varied wonders of the city.

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