
Book reviewed in this article: Provincial Towns in Early Modern England and Ireland. Change, Convergence and Divergence. Edited by Peter Borsay and Lindsay Proudfoot. Goethe and the English‐Speaking World. Essays from the Cambridge Symposium for his 250th Anniversary. Edited by Nicholas Boyle and John Guthrie. Studies in German Literature, Linguistics and Culture. An Age of Wonders: Prodigies, Politics and Providence in England, 1657–1727. By William E. Burns. Etudes sur les Journaux de Marivaux. Edited by Nicholas Cronk and François Moureau. Vif. Hume's Abject Failure: The Argument Against Miracles. By John Earman. National Gallery Catalogues: The British School. By Judy Egerton. National Gallery Catalogues: The Seventeenth‐Century French Paintings. By Humphrey Wine. Voicing Desire: Family and Sexuality in Diderot's Narrative. Edited by J. E. Fowler. Vif. Jane Austen and Religion. Salvation and Society in Georgian England. By Michael Giffin. Cross‐Currents in Religion and Culture. Lettres d'une Péruvienne. By Françoise de Graffigny. Edited by Jonathan Mallinson. Vif. Italy in the German Literary Imagination: Goethe's ‘Italian Journey’ and its Reception by Eichendorff, Platen and Heine. By Gretchen L. Hachmeister. Germans, Jews, and the Claims of Modernity. By Jonathan M. Hess. Orthodoxy and Heresy in Eighteenth‐Century Society. Essays from the DeBartolo Conference. Edited by Regina Hewitt and Pat Rogers. Peter the Great. A Biography. By Lindsey Hughes. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. By David Hume. Edited by Tom L. Beauchamp. The Clarendon Edition of The Works of David Hume. Madame de Pompadour: Images of a Mistress. By Colin Jones. Anne Vallayer‐Coster: Painter to the Court of Marie‐Antoinette. By Eik Kahng and Marianne Roland Michel, with contributions by Colin B. Bailey, Claire Barry, Laurent Hugues, and Melissa Hyde. Die Collegia der Insulaner, Vertraulichen und Wohlgesinnten in Zurich, 1679–1709. By Michael Kempe and Thomas Maissen. The Sermons of Charles Wesley. A Critical Edition with Introduction and Notes. Edited by Kenneth G. C. Newport. Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Making of a Myth: A Study in Portraiture 1720–1892. By Robin Nicholson. Queenship in Britain 1660–1837. Royal Patronage, Court Culture and Dynastic Politics. Edited by Clarissa Campbell Orr. Britain and Ireland in the Eighteenth‐Century Crisis of Empire. By Martyn J. Powell. Reading Goethe. A Critical Introduction to the Literary Work. By Martin Swales and Erika Swales. Glorious Causes: The Grand Theatre of Political Change, 1789 to 1833. By Julia Swindells. Romanticism and Slave Narratives: Transatlantic Testimonies. By Helen Thomas. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism 38. There are No Letters Like Yours. The Correspondence of Isabelle de Charriere and Constant d'Hermenches. Translated and edited by Janet Whatley and Malcolm Whatley. European Women Writers Series.

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