
THE COASTLINE OF ENGLAND AND WALES. 2nd Edition: 1965. by J. A. Steers Published by Cambridge University Press. Price: £5. 5s. TOWN CENTRE MAPS—a guide to their preparation in Kent. Prepared by the County Planning Officer. Price: 7/6. DANISH PLANNING LEGISLATION: A SURVEY Ministry of Housing, Copenhagen, October 1963 ECONOMIC STUDY OF THE PITTSBURGH REGION Vol. 1. Region in Transition. Vol. 2. Portrait of a Region. Vol. 3. Region with a Future. University of Pittsburgh Press. Price: $8. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING IN ENGLAND AND WALES by J. B. Cullingworth. Published by George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1964. Price: £1. 16s. POPULATION PATTERNS—THEIR IMPACT ON REGIONAL PLANNING by David Grove. Published by the Building Research Group, Kumasi University of Science and Technology. Price not given. THE NEW TOWNS OF BRITAIN Published by H.M.S.O. 1964. Price: 2/9. REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTRES A Planning Report on North‐West England; by the Department of Town and Country Planning, University of Manchester. Published by the Department. Price not given. THE TOWNS OF GHANA—THE ROLE OF SERVICE CENTRES IN REGIONAL PLANNING. by David Grove and Laszlo Huszar. Ghana Universities Press 1964. Price: £1. 6s. CITY OF LIVERPOOL; REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT PLAN City Planning Policy Report, Part 1. Analysis and Preliminary Conclusions. September 1964. DERELICT LAND Civic Trust, London. Price: 7/6. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION—A Select List of Books and Periodicals Published for The British Council by Longmans Green & Co. Ltd. Price: 5/‐. PARKING SPACE FOR CARS, ASSESSING THE DEMAND by G. J. Roth University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics, Occasional Papers 5. 1965. Price: 10/6d.

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