
Belief in the Trinity. By Dom Mark Pontifex. (Longmans; 5s. 6d.)Black Popes. Authority: Its Use and Abuse. By Archbishop Roberts, S.J. (Longmans; 8s. 6d.)Medieval Mystical Tradition and St John of the Cross. By a Benedictine of Stanbrook. (Burns & Oates; 12s. 6d.)Bread in the Wilderness. By Thomas Merton. (Hollis and Carter; 15s.)Sex, Sin and Sanctity. By John Langdon‐Davies. (Gollancz; 16s.)Early Christian Interpretations of History. By R. L. P. Milburn. (Adam and Charles Black; 18s.)The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies. By Marcel Mauss. Translated by Ian Cunnison, with an Introduction by E. E. Evans‐Pritchard. (Cohen and West; 12s. 6d.)Christian Realism and Political Problems. By Reinhold Niebuhr. (Faber and Faber: 12s. 6d.)A History of Political Thought in the English Revolution. By Perez Zagorin. (Routledge and Kegan Paul; 15s.)The Age of Absolutism, 1660–1815. By Max Beloff. (Hutchinson's University Library; 8s. 6d.)School Design and Construction. By J. A. Godfrey and R. Castle Cleary. (The Architectural Press; 36s.)

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