
Mana: Introduction à l'histoire des religions; Tome 2, Les religions de l'Europe ancienne, No. i, Les religions préhelléniques, (Crète et Mycènes). By Charles Picard.The History of Ancient Geography. By J. Oliver Thomson.Histoire de l'Éducation dans l' Antiquité. By H. I. Marrou.Les Gallo‐Romains. By Emile Thevrnot.Merlin's Island: Essays on Britain in the Dark Ages. By T. C. Lethbridge.The Arabs: A Short History. By Philip K. Hitti.En torno a los origenes del Feudalismo. By Claudio Sanchez‐albornoz.A Short History of the Christian Church from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. By C. P. S. Clarke.Canonization and Authority in the Western Church. By Eric Waldram Kemp.The Religious Orders in England. By Dom David Knowles.Constitutionalism: Ancient and Modern. By C. H. McIlwain.Studies in Medieval History presented to Frederick Maurice Powicke. Edit, by R. W. Hunt, W. A. Pantin, R. W. Southern.The Plantagenets, 1154–1485. By John Harvey.An Introduction to the History of Wales: Vol. ii. The Middle Ages; Part I, 1063–1284. By A. H. Williams.Art in Medieval France, 987–1498. By JOAN EVANS.The Origins of Great Schism: A study in fourteenth‐century ecclesiastical history. By WALTER ULLMANN.Joan of Arc and the Recovery of France. By ALICE BUCHAN.Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England. By J. J. BAGLEY.A History of Cyprus, vol. ii: The Frankish Period, 1192–1432; vol. iii: The Frankish Period, 1432–1571. By. SIR GEORGE HILL.Lee Voyages de Découverte et les Premiers Eéatablissments, XV*‐XVI* siécleas. BY. CH. A. JULIEN.The Navy of Britain. By MICHAEL LEWIS.The Social Structure in Caroline England. By DAVID MATHEW.Walker Revised: Being a revision of John Walker's Sufferings of the clergy during the Grand Rebellion, 1642–60. By A. G. MATTHEWS.James II. By F. C. Turner.The Jacobite Movement: The First Phase, 1688–1716. By Sir Charles Petrie.The Young Adventurer: the Wanderings of Prince Charles Edward Stuart in Scotland and England in the Years 1745–6. By Donald Nicholas.The Education of the Enlightened Despots. By H.R.H. Prince Chula Chakrabongse.Men of Letters and the English Public in the Eighteenth Century, 1660–1744: Dryden, Addison, Pope. By Alexandre Beljame.Mr. Gay's London. By SIR A. P. HERBERT.Pageant‐Master of the Republic‐Jacques Louis David and the French Revolution. By DAVID L. DOWD.The Durable Monument: Horatio Nelson. By Admiral Sir W. M. James.The Great Rehearsal. By Carl van Doren.The Formative Years. 2 vols. By Henry Adams.The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson. By Daniel J. Boorstin.The Age of Jackson. By ARTHUR M. SCHLESINGER, JR.Soziale und Politische Geschichte der Revolution von 1848. By Rudolf Stadelmann.The Recollections of Alexis de Tocqueville. Edit, by J. P. Mayer.Parliament and Foreign Policy in France during the Third Republic. By JOHN ELDRED HOWARD.Makers of the Labour Movement. By Margaret Cole.Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919–1939. Edit, by E. L. Woodward and Rohan Butler.Munich‐Prologue to Tragedy. By J. W. Wheeler‐Bennett.From Versailles to Potsdam. By Leonard von Muralt.The German Opposition to Hitler. By Hans Rothfels.Politics in Pitcairn and other Essays. By W. K. Hancock.Diplomatic Prelude, 1938–1939. By L. B. Namier.Poland, Old and New. By W. J. Rose.The United Nations. By Herbert Vere Evatt.

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