
Book reviewed in this article:Civil Liberties and the Vinson Court. By C. Herman Pritchett. 297 and xi pp. with index. The University of Chicago Press. 1954. [England: Cambridge University Press.]The American Lawyer: A Summary of the Survey of the Legal Profession. By Albert P. Blaustein and Charles O. Porter. [Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1954. xi and 360 pp. 41s. 6d. net.]The Young Lawyer. By John L. Clay, M.A., John B. Frankenburg, M.A., and John A. Baker, M.A., B.C.L. [London: Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. 1955. 167 and 8 pp. (index). 12s. 6d. net.]The Public Corporation: A Comparative Symposium. Editor W. Friedmann. [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1954. 612 pp. £8 10s.]The Court of Justice of the European Coal and Steel Community. By D. G. Valentine. [The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. 1955. 273 pp. 12.50 guilders.]Key and Elphinstone's Precedents in Conveyancing. Fifteenth edition. Volumes 1 and 2 by R. R. A. Walker, R. G. Metcalfe, E. H. Bodkin, L. R. Norris, E. J. T. G. Bagshawe, V. G. Mallett and T. A. Blanco‐White, Barristers‐at‐Law; Volume 3 edited by T. I. Casswell, Registrar in H.M. Land Registry. [London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. Vol. 1, clxxii and 1270 pp and index 197 pp.; Vol. 2, cliv and 1116 pp. and index 125 pp.; Vol. 3, xxxvi and 603 pp. and index 74 pp. (3 Vols. £15 15s. net).]Patents for Inventions and the Registration of Industrial Designs. By T. A. Blanco White, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister‐at‐Law. Second edition. [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1955. 542 pp. £3 3s.]Preston and Newsom's Restrictive Covenants Affecting Freehold Land. Second edition by G. H. Newsom. [London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. 1955. xxiv and 217 and (index) 9 pp. 85s. net.]The Law Relating to Commercial Letters of Credit. By A. G. Davis, LL.D. Second edition. [London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd. 1954. 207 pp. (with index). 30s. net.]Court of Protection Practice (Heywood and Massey). Seventh edition by Donald G. Hunt, of the Court of Protection, and John F. Phillips, LL.M., Barrister‐at‐Law. [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. xxxv and 614 (incl. index 27) pp. £5 5s.]The Quantum of Damages in Personal Injury Claims. By David A. McI. Kemp and Margaret Sylvia Kemp. [Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. 1954. 38s. 6d. net.]The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia. By Max Gluckman. [Manchester University Press. 1955. xxiii and 386 pp. 37s. 6d.]Private International Law. By J. A. C. Thomas, M.A., LL.B. [Hutchinson's University Library. 1955. 170 pp. and index. 8s. 6d.]Le Contrôle Judiciaire de L'Administration Anglaise. By Gilbert Tixier. Foreword by Professor Marcel Waline. [Paris: Libraire Dalloz. 1954. 187 pp.]Précis du Droit Public de la Finlande. By Prof. V. Merikoski. [Helsinki: Akateeminen Kirjakauppa. 1954. xii and 253 and 41 (Tables and Annexe) pp.]El Concepto del Derecho Mercantil and Estudios de Derecho Mercantil. By Professor Giron Tena. [Madrid: 1954 and 1955.]Annual Survey of South African Law, 1954. [Published for the Faculty of Law of the University of the Witwatersrand by Juta & Co., Ltd. Cape Town. 1955. xxxvi and 354 pp.]Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts. Edited by Members of the Federal Constitutional Court. Vol. 3. viii and 456 pp. [1954. J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen. 25 DM.]Yearbook on Human Rights for 1952. Compiled by the Human Rights Division of the United Nations Secretariat. [New York: United Nations. London: H.M.S.O. 1954. xv and 490 pp. 37s. 6d.]The Concise Law Dictionary. By P. G. Osborn. Fourth edition. [London: Sweet & Maxwell. 399 pp. 18s. 6d.]Learning the Law. By Glanville Williams, LL.D. Fifth edition. [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1954. ix and 216 pp. 13s. 6d. net.]The British Journal of Administrative Law. [London: Shaw & Sons, Ltd.; Jordan & Sons, Ltd. 45s. per annum.]

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