
Book reviewed in this article: The Methodists and Revolutionary America, 1760–1800. By Dee E. Andrews.The Moral Tale in France and Germany 1750–1789. By Katherine Astbury. SVEC 2002:07. Graphic Design, Print Culture, and the Eighteenth‐Century Novel. By Janine Barchas. The Mariage de Figaro. By Beaumarchais. Edited by Gérard Kahn. SVEC 2002:12. Ape to Apollo: Aesthetics and the Idea of Race in the 18 th Century. By David Bindman. Visions of the Daughters of Albion. By William Blake. Edited by Robert N. Essick. Francis Hutcheson in Dublin, 1719–30; The Crucible of his Thought. By Michael Brown. Diderot's Endgames. By Derek Connon. French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, II. Goethés Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. A Reader's Commentary. By Jane V. Curran. The London Corresponding Society. 1792–1799. Edited by Michael T. Davis. Political Actors. Representative Bodies and Theatricality in the Age of the French Revolution. By Paul Friedland. A Critical Bibliography of Daniel Defoe. By P. N. Furbank and W. R. Owens. Colonial America. From Jamestown to Yorktown. By Mary K. Geiter and W. A. Speck. London und der Klassizismus in der Musik: Die Idee der ‘absoluten Musik’ mid Muzio dementis Klavierwerke. By Anselm Gerhard. Selected Works of Eliza Haywood. Set I, vol. I. Miscellaneous Writings, 1725–1743; vol.2, Epistles for the Ladies: vol.3, The Wife, The Husband, and The Young Lady. Set II, vol.I, The Dramatic Historiographer and The Parrot: vol.2, The Female Spectator, Volumes 1 and 2; vol.3, The Female Spectator, Volumes 3 and 4. Edited by Alexander Pettit. Revolutio germanica. Die Sehnsucht nach der ‘alten Freiheit’ der Germanen. 1750–1820. By Jost Hermand and Michael Niedermeier. Literature of the Sturm und Drang. Edited by David Hill. The Camden House History of German Literature 6. Austria's Wars of Emergence. War, State and Society in the Habsburg Monarchy 1683–1797. By Michael Hochedlinger. Primogeniture and Entail in England: A Survey of their History and Representation in Literature. By Zouheir Jamoussi.The Age of Cultural Revolutions. Britain and France, 1750–1820. Edited by Colin Jones and Dror Wahrman. Women's Writing and the Circulation of Ideas: Manuscript Publication in England, 1550–1800. Edited by George L. Justice and Nathan Tinker. Polski wiek Swiatel. Obszary swoistości [The unique features of the Polish Enlightenment]. By Teresa Kostkiewiczowa. ‘The Rule of Contrary’. Das Paradox in der englischen Komödie der Restaurationszeit und des Frühen 18. Jahrhunderts. By Burkhard Niederhoff. Daniel Defoe, Master of Fiction: His Life and Ideas. By Maximillian E. Novak. A Proper Reply to a Late Scurrilous Libel; Intitled, Sedition and Defamation Display'd (1731). By William Pulteney. Edited by H. T. Dickinson. La ‘Gazette d'Amsterdam’. Miroir de I'Euvope au XVIIIe siècle. Edited by Pierre Rétat. SVEC 2001:06. Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the Sciences of Life. Edited by Nicholas Roe. Georgian London. By John Summerson. Edited by Howard Colvin. Scandal Nation. Law and Authorship in Britain, 1750–1832. By Kathryn Temple. The Literary and Cultural Spaces of Restoration London. By Cynthia Wall.The Duke of Portland. Politics and Party in the Age of George III. By David Wilkinson. The Correspondence of Thomas Reid. Edited by Paul Wood.

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