
Byzantium: An Introduction, to East Roman Civilization. Edited by Norman H. Baynes and H. St. L. B. Moss.The Arab Heritage. Edited by N. A. Faris.The Growth of English Representative Government. By G. L. Haskins.The English Government at Work, 1327–1336, Vol. ii, Fiscal Administration. Edited by W. A. MORRIS and J. R. Strayer.The Catalan Domination of Athens, 1311–1378. By Kenneth M. Setton.Das Konzil von Trieni: Ein Überblick über die Erforschung seiner Geschichte. By H. Jedin.The Audiencia of New Galicia in the Sixteenth Century, A Study in Spanish Colonial Government. By J. H. Parry.A History of Europe: 1610–1715. By W. F. Reddaway.The Concern for Social Justice in the Puritan Revolution. By W. Schenk.George Fox's Book of Miracles. Edited by Henry J. Cadbuby.Letters to William Dewsbury and Others. Edited by HENRY J. CADBURY.Protestant Dissent in Ireland, 1687–1780. By J. C. Beckett.Frederick the Great. By G. P. Gooch.The Great Dr. Burney. By P. A. Scholes.Noble Landowners and Agriculture in Austria, 1815–1848: A Study in the Origins of the Peasant Emancipation of 1848. By Jerome Blum.The Habsburg Monarchy, 1809–1918. By A. J. P. Tsaylor.Actes du Congrès Historique du Centenaire de la Révolution de 1848. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.1848: The Revolution of the Intellectuals. By L. B. Namier.Nationality and Liberty. By L. B. NAMIER.Bismarck. By Erich Eyck.Das Persönliche Regiment Wilhelms II: Politische Geschichte des Deutschen Kaiserreiches von 1890 bis 1914. By Erich Eyck.The Making of the Union of South Africa: A Brief History, 1487–1939. By M. S. Geen.british Policy in the South Pacific, 1786–1893. By John M. Ward.Land Looking West. By Malcolm Uren.The Far East since 1500. By Paul E. Eckel.A Short History of the Middle East: From the Rise of Islam to Modern Times. By George E. Kirk.The Expansion of Europe into the Far East. By Sir John T. PrattThe World in the Twentieth Century. By Geoffrey Bruun.Mr. Geoffrey Bruun has achieved a measure of success in this attempt to describe the development of human history in the last half‐century.The Canadian Army, 1939–45: An Official Historical Summary. By Colonel C. P. Stacey.Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fourth Series, Vols, xxix, xxx.

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