
Year Book of Education 1966. Church and State in Education. Edited by G. Z. F. Bereday and J. A. Lauwerys. Pp. xiv, 386. London: Evans, 1966. 70s. Education and Society in Tudor England. By Joan Simon. Pp. xi, 451. Cambridge University Press, 1966. 70s. Problems in Education and Philosophy. By Charles J. Brauner and Robert W. Burns. Pp. 165. London: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1965. Cloth, 40s. Paper, 18s. The Meaning of Education. By Stephen Ross. Pp. 112. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. Freedom and Education. Edited by Helen Huus. Fifty‐first Annual Schoolmen's Week Proceedings. Pp. 274. University of Pennsylvania Press. London: Oxford University Press, 1965. 30s. Christianity in Education. By F. H. Hilliard, Desmond Lee, Gordon Rupp, W. R. Niblett. The Hibbert Lectures 1965. Pp. III. London: Allen & Unwin, 1966, 18s. Religious Education, 1944–1984. Edited by A. G. Wedderspoon. Pp. 238. London: Allen & Unwin, 1966. 12s. 6d. The State and Boarding Education: A Factual Report. By Royston Lambert. Pp. 96. London: Methuen, 1966. 9s. 6d. Education and the Labour Movement, 1870–1920. By Brian Simon. Pp. 387. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1965. 50s. The Rise of the Technocrats: a Social History. By W. H. G. Armytage. Pp. viii, 448. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965. 56s. The Manchester Grammar School, 1515–1965. Edited by J. A. Graham and B. A. Phythian. Pp. ix, 202. Manchester University Press, 1965. 21s. Princes in the Making: A Study of Royal Education. By Morris Marples. Pp. 212. London: Faber and Faber, 1965. 28s. Examinations: An Account of Their Evolution as Administrative Devices in England. By R. J. Montgomery. Pp. xiii, 303. London: Longmans, 1965. 35s. Down Stream: Failure in the Grammar School. By R, R. Dale and S. Griffith.. Pp. x, 97. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966. 20s. Education in Edinburgh in the Eighteenth Century. By Alexander Law. Pp. 239. London: University of London Press, 1965. 30s. Education in Stirlingshire: from the Reformation to the Act of 1872. By Andrew Bain. Pp. 300. University of London Press, for the Scottish Council for Research in Education, 1965. 30s. Education in Ireland. By T. J. McElligott. Pp. viii, 201. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration, 1966. 33s. The Genius of American Education. By Lawrence A. Cremin. Pp. 122. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1965. $2. Essays on Education in the Early Republic. Edited by Frederick Rudolph. Pp. xxv, 389. Harvard University Press. London: Oxford University Press, 1966. 56s. The Emergence of the American University. By Laurence R. Veysey. Pp. xiv, 505. University of Chicago Press, 1966. $10. The Superior Student in American Higher Education. By J. W. Cohen. Pp. xxiv, 299. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company. $7.95. The Educated Woman in America. Selected Writings of Catherine Beecher, Margaret Fuller and M. Carey Thomas. Edited by Barbara M. Cross. Pp. viii, 175. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1965. $1.95 paperback. Teacher Education in America: A Documentary History. Edited by Professor Merle L. Borrowman. Pp. 251. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1965. $1.95. The Technical Institute. By Maurice Graney. Pp. 118. London: Prentice‐Hall International, 1965. 365. John F. Kennedy on Education. Selected and edited by William T. O'Hara, with a foreword by Congressman John Brademas. Pp. xiv, 305. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1966. $6.50. The Historian's Contribution to Anglo‐American Misunderstanding. Report of a Committee on National Bias in Anglo‐American History Text Books. By Ray Allen Billington, with the collaboration of C. P. Hill, Angus J. Johnston II, C. L. Mowat and Charles F. Mallett. Pp. xv, 118. London: Rout‐ledge & Kegan Paul, 1966. 18s. The German Historical School in American Scholarship: A Study in the Transfer of Culture. By Jurgen Herbst. Pp. xvii, 262. Cornell University Press. London: Oxford University Press, 1965. 46s. Festschrift zur Eröffnung der Universität Bochum. Edited by H. Wenke and J. H. Knoll. Pp. 394. Bochum: Verlag F. Kamp, 1965. Dm.38. Education and Social Change in Ghana. By Philip J. Foster. Pp. xii, 322. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965. 36s. Learning Through Group Experience. By A. K. C. Ottaway. Pp. viii, 168. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966. 25s. Experiment and Tradition in Primary Schools. By D. E. M. Gardner. Pp. 211. London: Methuen, 1966. 27s. 6d. Introducing the Younger Woman. By W. R. Page. Pp. xii, 212. Cambridge University Press, 1965. 30s.

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