
Twentieth Century South Africa by W. Beinart. Oxford University Press, Cape Town and Oxford. 1994. xvi plus 293pp. Illicit Union: Scientific Racism in Modern South Africa by Saul Dubow. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg. 1995. xii plus 320pp. including bibliography and index. Heart of Whiteness: Afrikaners Face Black Rule in South Africa by June Goodwin and Ben Schiff. Scribner, New York. 1995. 415pp. including bibliography and index. US$27.50. Hard cover. Bridges to the Future: Prospects for Peace and Security in Southern Africa by Hans‐Joachim Spanger and Peter Vale Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1995. xiv plus 195 pp. including index. Apartheid's Contras: An Inquiry into the Roots of War in Angola and Mozambique by William Minter. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, and Zed Books, London and New Jersey. 1994. 308pp. including maps, notes, bibliography and index. The Destruction of a Nation: United States’ Policy Toward Angola Since 1945 by George Wright Pluto Press, London. 1997. 264 pp. with index. The Migration Experience in Africa edited by Jonathan Baker and Tade Akin Aina. Nordiska afrikainstitutet. 1995. 353pp. including 46 tables, 13 maps, seven figures. Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism by Mahmood Mamdani James Currey, London. 1996. xii plus 353pp. The Myth of Wild Africa: Conservation Without Illusion by Jonathan S. Adams and Thomas O. McShane. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London. 1996. xix plus 292 pp. including afterword, bibliography and index. Paperback. Internet for Africanists and Others Interested in Africa by Roger Pfister. Swiss Society of African Studies, Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel. 1996. 140pp.

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