
Book reviewed in this article:The Australian Wool Market, 1840–1900. By ALAN BARNARD.Australian Banking (Third Edition). By J. K. GIFFORD, J. VIVIAN WOOD and A. J. REITSMA.Minerals in the Development of Australia.Land Utilization in Australia. (Third Edition.) By SIR Samuel Wadham, R. Kent“Wilson and Joyce Wood.Atlas of Australian Resources: Five maps with commentaries.Early New Zealand. A Dependency of New South Wales 1788–1841. By E. J. TAPP.Selected Studies of Migration Since World War II: Proceedings of the Thirty‐fourth Annual Conference of the Millank Memorial Fund, held October 30–31 at the New York Academy of Medicine.Population Growth and Economic Development in Low Income Countries: A Case Study of India's Prospects. By A. J. Coalb and E. M. Hoover.The Strategy of Economic Development. By Albert O. Hirschmak.International Trade and Economic Growth. By Harry G. Johnson.The Economic Theory of Fiscal Policy. By BENT HANSEN.Policy Against Inflation. By R. P. HABROD.Business Enterprise: Its Growth and Organisation. By RONALD S. EDWARDS and HARRY TOWNSEND.

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