
John Gascoigne, Science in the Service of Empire: Joseph Banks, the British State and the Uses of Science in the Age of Revolution, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp 247, pb, $49.95 Julia Horne (compiler), Not An Ivory Tower: The Making of an Australian Vice‐Chancellor, Based on Interviews with Michael and Jenny Birt, University of New South Wales Archives, 1997, pp xii + 150, pb, $14.95. Janet Chan, Changing Police Culture: Policing in a Multicultural Society, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp 255, pb, $29.95. Andrew Riemer, Sandstone Gothic: Confessions of an Accidental Academic, St Leonards, Allen and Unwin, 1998, pp 225, pb, $19.95. Ian Duffield and James Bradley (eds), Representing Convicts: New Perspectives on Convict Forced Labour Migration, London, Leicester University Press, 1997, pp xii + 244, hb, £50.00. Geoffrey Gray and Christine Winter (eds), The Resurgence of Racism: Howard, Hanson and the Race Debate, 1997, Monash Publications in History, Clayton, pp vi + 170, pb, $19.95. Tim M Berra, A Natural History of Australia, University of NSW Press, Sydney, 1998, pp 312, hb, $45.00. D Jaensch and D Mathieson, A Plague on Both Your Houses: Minor Parties in Australia, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1998, vii+248, pb, $29.95. Pat Jacobs, Going Inland: A Road Novel for the Nineties, Fremantle, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1998, pp 216, pb, $16.95. Igor Maver, Readings in Contemporary Australian Poetry, Peter Lang AG, Frankfurt, German‐Australian Studies, vol 12, 1997, pp 150, pb, $39.00 Alison Bartlett, Jamming the Machinery: Contemporary Australian Women's Writing, Association for the Study of Australian Literature, Toowoomba, 1998, pp 263, pb, $29.95 ($20 ASAL members). Lee Cataldi, Race Against Time, Penguin, Ringwood, 1998, pp vi + 89, pb, $19.95 Veronica Brady, South of My Days: A Biography of Judith Wright, Sydney, Harper Collins, pp xii + 562, hb, $39.95.

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