
Abstract The general—and the man: Marlborough By Corelli Barnett (Eyre Methuen) £5.50, 288 pages. Reviewed by S. G. P. Ward. The logic and language of war: War and Politics By Bernard Brodie (Cassell) £3.50, 514 pages. Reviewed by Ronald Lewin. “Contrary to normal British practice”: The Last Secret: Forcible Repatriation to Russia, 1944–47 By Nicholas Bethell (Andre Deutsch) £3.50, 224 pages. Reviewed by D. C. Watt. We didn't fall—we slipped: Descent from Power—British Foreign Policy 1945–1973 By F. S. Northedge (George Allen & Unwin) £6.00, 382 pages Grievous bodily harm: The Future of Violence By Gerald Priestland (Hamish Hamilton) £3.50, 171 pages. Reviewed by Norman F. Dixon. On the beat, at the demo: The Police Revolution By Peter Evans (Allen and Unwin) £3.60, 188 pages. Reviewed by W. Pullinger. Lessons in procurement: Attack Aircraft of the West By Bill Gunston (Ian Allan) £3.95, 271 pages. Reviewed by S. M. W. Hickey. When the chairman leaves his chair: Uncertain Passage: China's Transition to the post-Mao Era By A. Doak Barnett (George Allen & Unwin) Hardback £5.00, Paperback £2.00, 387 pages. Reviewed by David S. G. Goodman. Naval rivalry—: The Great Naval Race By Peter Padfield (Hart-Davis, MacGibbon) £5.75, 382 pages. Reviewed by Geoffrey Bennett. —and a failure to contain it: Race to Pearl Harbor: The Failure of the Second London Naval Conference and the Onset of World War II By Stephen E. Pelz (Harvard) £8.75, 268 pages. Reviewed by P. A. Towle. “Psywar”: Psychological Warfare By Charles Roetter (Batsford) £3.50, 199 pages. Reviewed by Norman F. Dixon. Sketch of an anarchist: Sabate: Guerrilla Extraordinary By Antonio Tellez (Davis Poynter) £3.50, 183 pages. Reviewed by Peter Janke. Terror and counter-terror: Revolutionary Warfare in the Middle East: The Israelis vs. The Fedayeen By Dr Bard O'Neill (Paladin Press, Colorado) $5.95,140 pages. Reviewed by Edgar O'Ballance. Labour without reward: Chief of Staff: The Diaries of Licutenant-Gencral Sir Henry Pownall 1940–1944 Edited by Brian Bond (Leo Cooper) £5.75, 205 pages. Reviewed by C. N. Foxley-Norris. The Middle East: Arabic Political Memoirs and other Studies By Elie Kedourie (Frank Cass) £5.95, 320 pages Modern Turkey By Geoffrey Lewis (Ernest Benn) £3.75, 250 pages. Reviewed by John Stephenson. The Fritsch Affair: Hitler and His Generals: The Hidden Crisis January-June 1938 By Harold C. Deutsch (Oxford University Press) £8.74, 452 pages. Reviewed by R. A. Mason. Before the Bolsheviks: The Social Prelude to Stalinism By Roger Pethybridge (Macmillan) £7.00, 343 pages. Reviewed by J. Miller. Superlative sailor: Cunningham the Commander By S. W. Pack (Balsford) £6.50, 323 pages. Reviewed by B. B. Schofield “Market-Garden”: A Bridge Too Far By Cornelius Ryan (Hamish Hamilton) £3.95, 512 pages. Reviewed by Napier Crookenden. Fighting in the fiords: Narvik By Captain Peter Dickens, DSO, MBE, DSC, RN(retd). (Ian Allan) £2.75, 184 pages. Reviewed by B. B. Schofield. For this relief much thanks: “Thank God We Kept the Flag Flying”: The Siege and Relief of Ladysmith 1899–1900 By Kenneth Griffith (Hutchinson) £5.95, 398 pages. Reviewed by E. K. G. Sixsmith. Beaux Gestes: The French Foreign Legion By James Wellard (Andre Deutsch) £2.95, 142 pages. Reviewed by E. W. W. Fowler. The naval revolution: Carrier Operations in World War II By David Brown (Ian Allan): Volume I, The Royal Navy, £3.95, 160 pages; Volume II, The Pacific Navies, £3.75, 152 pages. Reviewed by J. L. Moulton. The British armies of India: The Indian Army: The Garrison of British Imperial India 1822–1922 By T. A. Heathcote (David & Charles) £5.25, 215 pages The British armies of India: Memoirs of the British Raj: A Soldier in India By Brigadier R. C. B. Bristow, OBE (Johnson) £3.50, 208 pages. Reviewed by John Stephenson. Three picture books: Winston Churchill By Elizabeth Longford (Sidgwick & Jackson) £5.95, 224 pages Three picture books: The Hitler Phenomenon By Henry Picker, Heinrich Hoffmann and Jochen von Lang (David & Charles) £3.50, 223 pages Three picture books: Nicholas H—The Last Tsar By Marvin Lyons (Routledge & Kegan Paul) £6.25, 224 pages. Reviewed by S. M. W. Hickey. Works of reference: The Major International Treaties: 1914–1973 By J. A. S. Grenville (Methuen) £7.90; (University Paperback) £3.95, 575 pages. Reviewed by Cosmo Russell. Works of reference: World Armaments and Disarmament: SIPRI Yearbook 1974 (The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and England) Kr75.00, 526 pages. Reviewed by R.G.S.B. Works of reference: Jane's Infantry Weapons 1975 Edited By Major F. Hobart (Macdonald and Jane's) £19.50, 860 pages Works of reference: Brassey's Infantry Weapons of the World 1975 Edited By Major-General J. I. H. Owen (Brassey's) £14.00, 323 pages

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