
Book reviewed in this article:THE DIFFERENTIA OF CHRISTIANITY The Buddha and the Christ. By B. H. Streeter.THE DIFFERENTIA OF CHRISTIANITY The Faiths of Mankind. By William Paton.THE DIFFERENTIA OF CHRISTIANITY A Preface to Christian Faith in a New Age. By Rufus M. Jones.INDIAN RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY Hindu Monism and Pluralism: As found in the Upanishads and in the Philosophies dependent upon them. By Max Hunter Harrison.INDIAN RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY Vers le Christ par le Vedanta. I. śankārā et Rāmānuja. Par Pierre Johanns, S.J.INDIAN RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY Die Idee der Sünde: Ihre Entwicklung in den Hochreligionen des Orients und des Occidents. Von Gustav Mensching.INDIAN RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY Indien und das Christentum. I. Teil. Indische Frömmigkeit. Von H. W. Schomerus.INDIAN RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY Parallelen zum Christentum als religionsgeschichtliches und theologisches Problem. Von H. W. Schomerus.MOSLEM CREED AND PEOPLE The Muslim Creed: Its Evolution and Historical Development. By A. J. Wensinck.MOSLEM CREED AND PEOPLE The People of the Mosque: An Introduction to the Study of Islam, with Special Reference to India. By L. Bevan Jones.CASTE IN INDIA Indian Caste Customs. By L. S. S. O'Malley.CASTE IN INDIA The Caste System of Northern India: With Special Reference to the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. By E. A. H. Blunt.JAPAN Japan: Some Phases of her Problems and Developments. By Inazo Nitobe.JAPAN New Life through God. By Toyohiko Kagawa.WEST AFRICAN TRIBES Tribes of the Niger Delta: Their Religions and Customs. By P. Amaury Talbot, D. Sc.WEST AFRICAN TRIBES A Sudanese Kingdom: An Ethnographical Study of the Jukun‐speaking Peoples of Nigeria. By C. K. Meek, F.R.A.I.WEST AFRICAN TRIBES The Tribes of the Ashanti Hinterland. 2 vols. By R. S. Rattray, C.B.E.AN AFRICAN MISCELLANY Le Répertoire Africain. Par Henri Dubois, S.J. CartesPROTESTANT CHRISTIANITY IN SOUTH AMERICA The Republic of Brazil: A Survey of the Religious Situation. By Erasmo Braga and Kenneth G. Grubb.PROTESTANT CHRISTIANITY IN SOUTH AMERICA The Indigenous Church in Peru. By John Ritchie.EDUCATION IN CHINA The Reorganization of Education in China. By the League of Nations' Mission of Educational Experts.EDUCATION IN CHINA Nationalism and Education in Modern China. By Cyrus H. Peake.LAND AND LABOUR IN CHINA Land and Labour in China. By R. H. Tawney.ANGLICAN MISSIONS With One Accord. Foreword by the Archbishop of Canterbury.THE POSITION OF MISSIONS TO‐DAY The Uncut Nerve of Missions: An Inquiry and an Answer. By Cleland Boyd McAfee.THE SPIRIT OF WORLD POLITICS Survey of International Affairs, 1931. By Arnold J. Toynbee, assisted by V. M. Boulter. Maps.THE SPIRIT OF WORLD POLITICS ocuments on International Affairs, 1931. Edited by John W. Wheeler‐Bennett, assisted by Stephen Heald.THE SPIRIT OF WORLD POLITICS Consolidated Index to the Survey of International Affairs, 1920–1930, and Supplementary Volumes.THE SPIRIT OF WORLD POLITICS The Spirit of World Politics: With Special Studies of the Near East. By W. E. Hocking.THE SPIRIT OF WORLD POLITICS Nationalism and Imperialism in the Hither East. By Hans Kohn.THE SPIRIT OF WORLD POLITICS Asiatic Asia. By S. K. Datta.

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